31 July 2009

Frequent Flyer Points

When you fly it is normally possible for you to accumulate frequent flyer points.

Definitely sign up for the frequent flyer program of the airlines you fly! The cost of the program is calculated in your airfare, so you should make the most of it!

Frequent flyer points are points that you receive for each mile you fly (normally you get 1 point for each mile you fly) as long as you have booked an airfare that is eligible for frequent flyer point accrual. These days, many of the super special airfares don't accumulate points, but then again you are getting a great price!

The more you fly with a particular airline, or airline network, the more points you earn which can then be redeemed for free flights. Trust us, this is worth doing! We have earned free flights to Europe, New Zealand, Asia and New Caledonia over the years!

Airline Networks
Most airlines these days are part of airline networks.

Airlines in these networks have agreements so that if you have your frequent flyer points with, say, Singapore Airlines (Star Alliance network) and fly with another airline in the network, you will still accumulate points towards your Singapore Airlines account.

The major networks are:

Star Alliance: Our preferred network which includes the best airlines and most destinations worldwide.

Airlines include: Singapore Airlines, Thai Airlines, United Airlines, Scandinavian, Lufthansa, Swiss, South African Airways, US Airways, Air Canada, Air New Zealand, Air China and many more.

One World: The One World network includes Qantas, British Airways, LAN Chile and Japanese Airlines (JAL) amongst others. Not a bad network.

Sky Team: The much smaller Sky Team network includes Air France, KLM, Delta, Aeromexico, Korean Air and China Southern. The network does not have good links into Australia.

Useful Frequent Flyer Point Resources

: Mileage Calculator to help work out how many points you'll earn for certain flights and lots of other forums and tools.

Flyer Talk: Lots of forums and information about Frequent Flyer programs.

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