The workload has been pretty heavy and some people are really struggling with the ongoing effects of altitude sickness, Monctezumas Revenge, or just too much chilli (but it tastes so good).
We have all had an exam this week and the pressure was definitely felt, plus I think we're all getting a little 'Museum Fatigue'...and if we hear about the Presidents AGAIN, there may be another Mexican revolution! But despite those things, spirits remain very high and we have all fallen even more in love with this crazy, noisy, fascinating city. There really are no words to adequately describe the chaos.
Highlights for me this week have been, going to an orphanage run by local nuns and watching the teeny children whacking the living daylights out of a pinata with a massive stick! They were incredibly cute and I have requested to do a month of volunteer work there after the course finishes.
On Tuesday we went to see Mexican wrestling - what a scream! No photos allowed unfortunately, but it is a must-see. Absolutely ridiculous and over the top, it is hard to get past grown men slapping each other! But so much fun.
We went to the Ballet Folklorico on Wednesday and I LOVED it. The different styles of dance coupled with beautiful costumes and frankly bizarre stories were an absolute crack-up. The show is in the beautiful Palacio de Bellas Artes - Palace of Fine Arts - and it has a stunning glass curtain, made by Tiffany no less.
It was also the beautiful Hannah's birthday this week - she turned 20, and we had cake to celebrate.
Australia Day was on Thursday but we were revising for exams on the Friday, plus we had a full day of uni, so we decided to celebrate on Friday by heading back to Xochimilco and hiring a boat, some loud speakers and taking plenty of cerveza and tequila to share with our Mexican friends. Plus, Mel made a Pavlova! We decorated the boat appropriately and I will never forget the sight, or sound, of my new Mexican family singing Land Downunder and dancing around the boat, cheered on by passing Mexicans on their boats. It was easily the best Australia Day I've ever had.
This weekend we went to Puebla, a gorgeous town a couple of hours out of Mexico City. It was nice to breath cleaner air, plus the vibe of the town was very chilled and a lot of fun. We visited what remains of the largest pyramid in the world, bought teeny tiny coke bottles, gate-crashed a wedding, found an Australian shop, and heard some incredible live music - good times.